Anno. 2013, Volume. 20, N. 5, Pag. 227-229

Il Garante per l’infanzia

Augusta Tognoni

Children’s Ombudsman Law number 112 of 12 July 2011 set up an Ombudsman for children and adolescence, a single body and an independent institute with autonomous powers of organization without the constraints of hierarchical subordination. It has powers of promotion, collaboration, and also security and advisory powers in the promotion and protection of the rights of children and adolescents. The field of action regards research and education programs based on data and information coming from the family national observatory. The general aims and the institutional profile of the Guarantor are described, starting from the child as a central and active subject of rights and not just a passive object of care. Quaderni acp 2013; 20(5): 227-229 Key words: Childhood. Adolescence. Rights

Quaderni acp 2013_20(5)

Bimestrale di informazione politico culturale e ausili didattici dell'Associazione Culturale Pediatri

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Quaderni acp
ISSN: 2039-1374

Pubblicazione iscritta nel registro Nazionale della Stampa n° 8949 ® ACP