Diritto alla salute. I determinanti sociali
- 20 Mar 2009 alle 21:40:00
della sanità, Alan Johnson, ha annunciato che un gruppo di lavoro dovrà operare perché i principi indicati dalla Commissione sui determinanti sociali della salute siano trasformati in politiche concrete.
Lancet (2008;372:1607) commenta: “Gap in information should not be an excuse for inaction”, e si appella alla società civile perché spinga i governi inattivi. Riportiamo qui di seguito un passo del Report della Commissione che riguarda i bambini:
“A child’s early environment has a vital impact on the way the brain develops.
The more stimulating the environment, the more connections are formed in the brain, and the better the child thrives in all aspect of the life: physical development, emotional and social development, and the ability to express himself or herself and acquire knowledge. While physical
health and nutrition are important, a young child needs to spend its time in caring, responsive environment that protect from inappropriate disapproval and punishment.
Children need opportunities to explore the world, to play, and to learn how to speak and listen to others”. E in Italia?
Lancet (2008;372:1607) commenta: “Gap in information should not be an excuse for inaction”, e si appella alla società civile perché spinga i governi inattivi. Riportiamo qui di seguito un passo del Report della Commissione che riguarda i bambini:
“A child’s early environment has a vital impact on the way the brain develops.
The more stimulating the environment, the more connections are formed in the brain, and the better the child thrives in all aspect of the life: physical development, emotional and social development, and the ability to express himself or herself and acquire knowledge. While physical
health and nutrition are important, a young child needs to spend its time in caring, responsive environment that protect from inappropriate disapproval and punishment.
Children need opportunities to explore the world, to play, and to learn how to speak and listen to others”. E in Italia?