Anno. 2003, Volume. 10, N. 5, Pag. 24-50

Perché non armonizzare anche i prezzi del latte in polvere per neonati in Europa?

Maurizio Bonati
Laboratorio per la Salute Materno-Infantile, IRFMN, Milano

In March 2000 the Italian Competition Authority imposed a penalty of 3 million euros to six infant formula manufacturers because they had agreed on fixed prices in order to avoid competition and to share the market. Three years ago it was documented that artificial formula milk price differentials in EU were high, in particular in Italy. To evaluate the present situation, a similar assessment was repeated and implemented. The price differencials are still substantial and unacceptable inside a “common community”. The price ranged from € 16.38 (Bonn) to € 34.00 (Milan), with small differences between France, Spain, United Kingdom and Germany, but with a large difference between these countries and Italy.

Quaderni acp 2003_10(5)

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ISSN: 2039-1374

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