Anno. 2003, Volume. 10, N. 3, Pag. 44-45

Gli steroidi inalatori ovvero “la grande appuffata”

Lucio Piermarini
Pediatra di comunità, AUSL Terni

Great progress has been made in the treatment of asthma, in both efficacy and safety with the use of inhaled steroids. The extreme confidence in the use of these drugs has in time brought to the use of always higher doses. Side effects derived from oral therapy have then appeared with inhaled therapy. The inhaled steroid responsible for most cases of adrenal glands insufficiency is incredibly the one considered the safest: fluticasone propionate.

Quaderni acp 2003_10(3)

Bimestrale di informazione politico culturale e ausili didattici dell'Associazione Culturale Pediatri

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Quaderni acp
ISSN: 2039-1374

Pubblicazione iscritta nel registro Nazionale della Stampa n° 8949 ® ACP