Tomorrow’s doctors are looking ahead
SISM (the Italian Medical Students Secretariat) is a free, no profit association of about 4000 Italian medical students founded in 1970 and representing about 35 Universities. The international and national aims, activities and priorities are underlined in this article. In the specific, importance is given to the advocacy role regarding global health that a medical student should acquire during his/her training. SISM is a full member of IFMSA (International Federation Medical Student Association), a non political, non governmental association of about 100 different students associations throughout the world, representing more than 1 million students. IFMSA is officially considered an NGO by UN and WHO.
È un articolo di presentazione del SISM (Segretariato Italiano Studenti in Medicina), associazione di studenti in medicina, che raccoglie circa 4000 studenti italiani; l’autore ne descrive le finalità, gli obiettivi prioritari e le attività a livello nazionale e internazionale. Viene sottolineata, in particolare, l’attenzione al ruolo di advocacy in difesa della salute intesa in senso globale che lo studente in medicina deve acquisire.