Anno. 2003, Volume. 10, N. 6, Pag. 10

L’impronta ecologica e sociale

Pio Russo Krauss
Centro di Documentazione e Ricerca sull’Ambiente e la Salute, ASL Napoli 1

The earth surface needed to produce resources and depurate polluting substances of a community, of single individuals and of particular industrial processes is called the “ecological footprint”. Every single inhabitant of the world uses resources and produces waste equal to a productive and depurative capacity of 2.3 hectares of earth surface. Unfortunately, earth has for each of his 6 thousands of millions of inhabitants only
1.8 hectares available. For this reason, our economy and life styles need profound changes. Useless productions and goods must be reduced; industrial
processes with low environmental impact must be adopted; human needs must be satisfied with eco compatible products and services. Work (and wealth) must be equally distributed. An utopia? No, today an essential need.

Quaderni acp 2003_10(6)

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ISSN: 2039-1374

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