Anno. 2003, Volume. 10, N. 2, Pag. 6-17

Parte seconda. Priorità e interventi efficaci

Anna Macaluso, Giorgio Tamburlini, Luca Ronfani, Silvia Pivetta
Centro per la Salute del Bambino, Trieste; IRCCS “Burlo Gar ofolo”, Trieste

The second part of the report identifies six priority areas to improve child and adolescent health in Italy: perinatal care, mental health, accidents in adolescents and young people, obesity, inequalities in health and information system. Interventions likely to be feasible and effective are indicated and brifely discussed for each specific area. By suggesting such a plan of action the report intends to prompt debate and stimulate action among child health professionals and health planners. Adaptation to local needs and resources will be required. Indicators that have been recently proposed for assessing and monitoring child and adolescent health at national and international (European Union) level are also briefly illustrated.

Quaderni acp 2003_10(2)

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ISSN: 2039-1374

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